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Reston, VA City Data

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Tools to help you learn about elementary and high schools in Reston, VA, and the surrounding area, local crime statistics, and more.
Exterior image of a cozy home during night

School Statistics

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education.


NCES is part of the US Department of Education. The organization shares statistical information related to education in both the US and abroad.

What does it mean for you? As just one example, NCES data can help you learn more about individual elementary schools in Reston, VA (or high schools, private schools, and colleges). That can make it easier to narrow down your search for a home, focusing on neighborhoods with schools that meet your needs.


The purpose of the National Center for Education Statistics’ website is to provide clear, complete information about NCES’ mission and activities, and to serve the research, education and other interested communities.


NCES offers in-depth data and analysis, and there are other useful tools for learning more about local school systems. is the most popular tool locally for evaluating school and neighborhood info. The Schools Near You search feature is a great place to start.

Great Schools, School Digger, and Private School Review, all linked below, can also help you learn more about education options in Reston and across the region.

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Statistics of the schools near you

School rankings

School grades & rankings compared to others

Research all private schools

Community Safety Laws

Community safety laws are designed to protect residents and families from potential risks.

Legislative Measures

Various legislative measures have been put in place to address issues related to sex offenders and crimes against children, including:

  • The Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act
  • The Pam Lychner Sexual Offender Tracking and Identification Act
  • Community notification laws inspired by Megan’s Law.

In 2003, the United States Supreme Court ruled that information regarding potential risks may be made available to the public online.

Image that captures Reston downtown


Community Safety Insights

Gain insights into community safety to make informed decisions when considering a home purchase or business location.

Reston, VA, is known for its generally low crime rates; however, it’s essential to recognize that crime levels can vary within different neighborhoods of the city. For detailed neighborhood-level information on crime statistics and safety, you can explore tools like Neighborhood Scout, linked below, to aid in your decision-making process.

Insider Insight on All Things Reston

Want to buy a home in the Reston area and looking for guidance from a local expert? Want to go beyond Reston, VA city data and get some context from a real-life resident and real estate agent? Nikki Lagouros is here to help!

With years of experience helping buyers and sellers, Nikki can share valuable information and point you toward even more resources in your search for a Reston home.

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